Partner Visas (Subclass 309/100, 820/801)

This visa type entitles a spouse or partner to immigrate to Australia on a permanent basis.



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Australian visas issued under this category

We extend our facilitation services for Partner Visas also. This visa type entitles a spouse or partner to immigrate to Australia on a permanent basis. Australian Immigration authority in an effort to unite distanced partners has equipped itself with providing this visa type. This visa category is issued to partners of: i) permanent residents of Australia, ii) Australian citizens, and iii) eligible citizens of New Zealand.

Partner visa Australia is applicable for married partners, fiance/ fiancee, and partners by relationship including same-sex relationships.

  • Partner Permanent (subclass 801
  • Temporary (subclass 820) Visas
  • Partner Visa Temporary (subclass 309)
  • Permanent (subclass 100)

Partner Permanent (subclass 801) and Temporary (subclass 820) Visas
Subclass 820 visa enables you to enter or stay in this country on basis of your de facto relationship or marriage to your partner for a period of up to two years. After the expiry of two years, you might apply for a subclass 801 visa provided your marital relationship still exists. For either of these visa types, your Australian partner should be the sponsor.

Partner Visa Temporary (subclass 309) and Permanent (subclass 100)
These two categories are specifically for candidates staying outside Australia seeking to stay with an Australian partner. Temporary visa: subclass 309 is issued for a period of two years beyond which a Permanent Subclass 100 visa is issued subject to your marital relationship. Sponsorship for these two subclasses is borne by your Australian partner.


    Star Migration Group is an elite group of enlisted RMA (Registered Migration Agent) operators in Australia providing impeccable migration and visa consultation services. We have consistently developed from being what we were, to where we stand today.


    Suite 1103, Level 11, 470 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000


    +61 423 947 800